Book Recommendation #6
The first ever technique focussed book I got, Joe Morello’s ‘Master Studies’
I can actually remember buying this book when I was 16, as I had decided I wanted to be a drummer and figured I should start taking it seriously.
In my opinion, Joe Morello has some of the best hands of all time, and this book is an insight into the type of things he would work on. It’s great for improving your singles, and being able to add accents to your playing whenever you want. It also encourages the use of a Moeller style ‘whip’, where you keep one hand going in a circular/whip motion, playing triplets for example, and then filling in the gaps with the other hand to create flowing and relaxed sextuplets.
This book also introduced me to the whole ‘Table of time’ idea, working through all the different subdivisions through the bar. Something I should definitely work on more!
I feel this book is lesser known, but is definitely worth any drummers checking out if you want to work on your hands.