Book Recommendation #1
Ok, so here is my first recommendation for books for drummers to check out, and it’s ‘The All-American Drummer by Charley Wilcoxon’.
Lockdown Book Recommendations
Ever since the start of lockdown, I’ve taken the chance to dedicate some time to work on my hands every day by spending an hour on the pad first thing when I get into the studio. I’ve been working through some great books and exercises, some of which I’ve done for years and others that are totally new discoveries.
Bedroom Brass/Durham Brass
This was the first summer in 7 years I’ve not been up at Durham Brass festival, working with lots of fantastic bands to put on loads of gigs and educational workshops!
I’m a Ludwig Artist!!
I’m a bit late announcing this on here, but I am thrilled to say I am now a Ludwig Drums Artist!!
Bedroom Brass from Back Chat Brass
For the whole of the lockdown period so far, Back Chat Brass have been releasing a weekly video as part of a series called #bedroombrass. Whilst we can’t be in the same room, we can still find ways to entertain people from our own homes!
FREE trial Zoom lesson month!
So for the whole of the month of May, I am offering any new pupils one free trial lesson with me via an online Zoom lesson! It’s been great fun so far getting all set up to teach in this new way, and finding the best ways to do replicate a lesson in the room with me.
Welcome to my new site!
So we are around one month into the most unprecedented event our lifetimes, and I think it’s fair to say that we are all still adapting to the changes that have come hand in hand with the arrival of Covid-19. Whilst there are many obvious negatives, I have seen some really positive things in the last few weeks, especially amongst musicians.